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Systems + other
sprawling projects


Decision Fields : Embodied Algorithms
What began as a production studio for block-printed textiles evolved into multi-year research for a visual tool / process / system that...

Decision Fields : paintings + textiles
The visual by-products of a system that shows decisions, whether conscious or unconcious, intentional or accidental. A record of patterns...

Decision Fields : capitalism experiments
Block printing in one of the most expensive locations in North America. Dym | california textiles, an on-going project, is an artisan...

Use It All Up : overview
In 2006, I freaked out about trash. I harvested all non-recyclable and non-compostable trash that I and my family generated, from about...

Use It All Up : Logo Removal Service
Logo Removal is a service that, as written on the website, "excises unwanted brand names, logos, tags, stains, marks etc. In their stead,...

Alter ego : Energy Being
Energy Being comes from the far, far distant future. (Preferred pronoun : EB) Energy Being finds the humans of this era fascinating, as...

Alter ego : Dym Products, Inc.
Dym Products, alter ego as a corporation. An unruly, oblique, queasily anti-consumption kind of corporation. My focal web presence was...

Speculative : drawings 2019-2020
Lately when I draw, it is because words are falling from the air.

Speculative : drawings 2012 + 2016
A selection of sketchy works, related and different. DRAWINGS 2016 Brush + ink on inkjet prints Each 8.5" x 11" Little Paper Planes...
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